![Convert Document To Image](http://img.informer.com/icons/png/48/7085/7085005.png)
The self-explanatory name of this product says it all - Convert Document To Image is a free conversion tool that transforms each of the pages of a document into a BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, or PNG image, or a whole text file into a new PDF document. Any conversion task can be performed either from its comprehensive interface, or using its command line mode. Whatever your choice is, the results you get are always of the highest level.
The supported input formats go from plain text (TXT, Unicode files) to PDF and from MS Word files (RTF, DOC, and DOCX) to HTML. As a default, the resulting images are all of an excellent quality, though the resolution and the quality level are both customizable. The program can not only convert documents into images, but also perform some other tasks (known as “special processes”) which include concatenation of files, search and replacement of text strings, launching of external applications, removal of empty lines, etc.
Convert Document to Image has been specifically designed to help you convert and process large numbers of files in a controlled and non-disruptive way. Its batch capabilities, used in conjunction with its built-in job scheduler, make this tool a very powerful one when it comes to bulk conversion of documents.